November 2020 have just cancelled my membership!
- I gave it thought but the main driver was the abysmal management of the organisation.
- It is nothing to do with the properties which include many national or international gems (including East Riddlesden Hall above)
It is time the executive and senior management woke up to the damage their ‘woke agendas’ are doing to the culture and all round appreciation of the National Trust.
- A couple of years ago a National Trust ballot of members on a motion to ban barbed wire should have warned me. It took 50+ members out of a total membership of 5.2million to get this motion moving! It failed to pass but what other nonsense is driven by minorities.
- The funding issues, many dubious activities, poor decisions and lack of clarity needs investigation. When you think it is bad it is normally far worse! Good luck to the charities commission in getting to the bottom of this.
- Is the NT with it’s mega income and reserves too large, cumbersome and powerful.
- The executive team grew by 33% (reported in the accounts 2019) and while this was reversed by redundancy in 2020 the total pay for the reduced team still grew.
- For more dissing read a post in our Charity chit chat site