Exceptional Dry Stone Walls

Yorkshire and proud of the windows in this home from home. You need to shin up the tree to look at the roof to see if the sculpture is a solid cube. Made from Yorkshire grit I am sure it will be.

Sean Scully may be an Irish borne artist, brought up in London he regularly does the Yorkshire sculpture park proud with his large sculptures. This work made from 1000+ tons of Yorkshire stone,  quarried from nearby Wakefield, is as impressive as the hollow it will make in the ground at YSP.

One of the better dry stone walls or should that be 4 dry stone walls and may be a roof?    At the YSP last week it was so wet two fish swam in to a wall and one said to the other “dam”. When it comes to walls I will get over it.

The real thing – a pukka wall!

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